Ways Women's Magazines Got Fitness All Wrong - Womens Fitness Zone

Ways Women's Magazines Got Fitness All Wrong

While the average bad diet is eating too much garbage, the fit population can be quite polarizing in the fact that many women and men alike strategically under eat to “lose fat” and enhance the lean look they are trying to achieve.
Eating less doesn’t automatically equate to fat loss, no matter what the scare tactics in mainstream media may tell you. You know what fuels fat loss, especially in women with specific needs in terms of nutritional balance and its effects on hormonal response among other areas of physiological function?
M&S Female Athlete meal prepping food to fuel her body
Developing sound nutritional strategies that prioritize the maintenance of health and the development of muscle.
What does that mean? If you want to lose fat and keep it off, you must fuel your body for performance and health. This concept seems too simple to be effective, and honestly this well rounded approach to improve performance and function isn’t sexy enough to excite people into buying in.
But the quicker you figure out the measure of “success” isn’t taken after a 30-day cleanse, or a 6-month transformation, but rather a habitual and lifestyle change that is long term and sustainable, the more your “buy in” will be to methods like fueling (eating) like an athlete.
Experiment with food choices, meal timing, and supplementation, but non-negotiable aspects of sound fueling revolves around using food as energy to fuel your training and expedite the 
That mindset is a powerful one.

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