Couch to 5K - Womens Fitness Zone

Couch to 5K

The perfect way to get you off the sofa and back into running

Do you feel inspired to run after the success of the London Marathon this year? Whether you're a beginner, or an ex runner who's fallen out of love with pavement pounding, the  podcasts may just be the top answer for you! It's time to revisit those long lost trainers hidden under the closet, brush the dust off and get your running groove on outside!
The podcast's overall goal is to get you running 5K – or just running for half an hour – in just nine weeks. Sounds incredible, right? It so is!
Regular running can reduce your risk of health diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as keeping your physique in top trim condition and keeping your mind focused! Plus, having an easy peasy plan to follow is the best way to get yourself into gear! What have you got to lose?
By running just three times a week, and slowly building the distance, you'll steadily build progress towards your end goal. Nervous about starting to run? Don't worry, no-one is expecting you to go out there and run for 10 minutes straight, instead it will be something like in the first week where you'll start of doing a well balanced combination of running and walking. In fact, running for just a minute at a time is great for building your fitness, stamina - not to mention your new running confidence. 

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