Bloglovin and Premio Dardos - Womens Fitness Zone

Bloglovin and Premio Dardos

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Scandalous Women has also received the Premio Dardos award from Nothing Elegant.

This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing...that's the general idea. Here it is, more eloquently, in Portuguese:

O conceito deste pr�mio passa por reconhecer valores culturais, �ticos, liter�rios e pessoais, transmitidos de forma criativa e original nos pedacinhos rabiscados por cada blogueiro que o receba.

The rules of this award are as follows: show the image of the award on your blog, link back to the blog that gave the award, and nominate 15 other blogs that you consider deserving the same.
So here are my 15 blogs in random order:

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